One Thing 3/30/15

1Th. 5:24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who will also do it. 


What a simple verse, and yet, what a life changing truth. How many of us, though Christians, face situations, or responsibilities in life with a deep sense of inadequacy, and insecurity. One of the Devil’s primary ways of keeping us from living in freedom and victory, is to keep us in introspection, relentlessly causing us to evaluate ourselves as incapable, and incompetent. This is a subtle, yet horrible manifestation of self-centeredness. I know that sounds kind of harsh, because when you live with a deep sense of inadequacy, it feels like anything but pride; but the truth is, that whether you are exalting yourself, or doubting yourself, both attitudes are SELF-CENTERED because the focus is SELF. That verse in 1 Thess. is liberating because it reminds us of the truth about who we are, as New Creations, IN CHRIST. You see, as a Christian you carry the very life of Christ in you. You have become the body through which He now lives His life, and therefore any, and every responsibity and situation He calls you into, He Himself is prepared to do it through you. This includes your vocation, and all your relationships. Imagine approaching every issue of life with the absolute, sheer confidence that whatever you put your hand, heart, or mind to, He will be there, in you, and with you, releasing His total adequacy in you, and through you. Every step of life then becomes the stage for supernatural activity, and supernatural consequences.

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