One Thing 3/26/15

Song 4:3 “Your lips are like a scarlet thread, 

And your mouth is lovely. 

Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate 

Behind your veil. 


Lips like a scarlet thread speaks of closed lips under the blood of Jesus. Contending for a place where we are fee from speaking negative things is a beautiful virtue our Bridegroom Jesus cherishes in us. As we grow in union with Jesus, this is one of those areas that the Holy Spirit goes after. Our flesh entertains itself by speaking criticism, gossip, slander, backbiting, fear, and unbelief. Our conversations should reflect the mind of Christ. The word “lovely” is a word that means, “beautifully, fitting.” Verse 3 says, “your mouth is lovely.” This budding virtue in the Shulamite was the grace to keep her lips closed unless her mouth was prepared to speak things full of love, hope, and faith. The bible has a lot to say about what we say, and what we shouldn’t say. We are even told that the power of life and death are under the tongue. Here is one powerful verse that gives us something to reach for, as we grow in Christlikeness. 

Eph. 4:29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. 

Wow! What an amazing verse. Don’t let this make you feel guilty; instead let it be something that calls you up. When we repent, we always repent up toward towards abundant life, and glory.


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