Retro One Thing 9/12/2022

2 Corinthians 9:12 says, “My grace is sufficient for you…”

The grammar that is used in this statement makes it very clear that God’s grace is constantly and continually being sufficient. One way of looking at this is that you and I don’t need to ask for grace or to beg and plead for grace in any situation or circumstance because His grace is already, and always flowing, and is always sufficient. Here is a very important biblical truth which is foundational to living the Christian life daily in an attitude of faith; the truth is “What God requires, He first provides.” There is no situation or circumstance that you are facing, or that you might be facing, that God hasn’t already made provision for.

If you get thirsty and there’s a faucet that is already and always running, you don’t need to ask someone to turn on the faucet to see if it will work; instead, you just simply draw from the water that’s already and always running. In other words, before there was ever any thirst, provision to quench your thirst was already available. This is how the Christian life operates. All the provision that you’ll ever need to face any temptation or situation in life is already there in Christ; and because you are in Christ that provision is already and always yours. Christians spend a lot of time pleading with God to give them what He has already given in Christ.

John 4 says that because the Holy Spirit is living inside of you, there is a well of water, which is the grace of God in Christ, springing up in you at all times. All we have to do is, by faith, TAKE, step-by-step, all that He is for all that we need. The fact that you get tempted is proof that there is a grace already provided for victory, and the fact that you are in whatever situation you are in is once again proof that the grace to walk through that situation victoriously has already been provided in Christ.

Start receiving and stop pleading.

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