Retro One Thing 9/11/2022

Ps. 37:7-8, Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him… Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads only to evildoing.

Sometimes it seems like it’s hard to get God on schedule. At least He often doesn’t seem to want to get on our schedule. I love these verses because they remind us that in our situations of life we are to rest in the Lord. That doesn’t mean that we are never to take action, but it does mean that we are to not do anything with anxiety in our hearts. Verse 7 doesn’t say to “wait” for the Lord; instead, it says for us to wait “patiently” for the Lord. You see anger and fretting doesn’t make God hurry up, but it does steal your joy and peace, and lead to all kind of attitudinal evil doing. We need to be grateful that God always operates on a “fullness of time” schedule, because He knows exactly what He is doing, and He knows the right timing for everything.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”

Anxiety is simply being afraid that we won’t get our way when we want it. Faith rests in His power and wisdom, believing His ways are higher than ours,and always better.
Remember that you are “in Christ,” and therefore He is now telling His story, on His schedule, through the details of your life.

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