Retro One Thing 1/14/2013

There is a line in the song “You won’t relent” that says “You won’t relent until you have it all.” It’s kind of a cadence that is repeated again, and again throughout the song. I can honestly say this has been the cadence of my life, and I assume yours too. If there has been one consistent theme in my life it has not been my performance, instead it has been His constant pursuit of my heart to be totally His. If it had not been for His fiercely persistent commitment to adore me with limitless affection I don’t know where I would be. I would likely have given up a long time ago in guilt and despair. Strangely though, He has kept me moving towards His heart with a sense that somehow He not only deeply, and passionately loves me, He also believes in me. Isn’t that crazy?

There have been many times when, in deep disappointment, I couldn’t even believe in myself, but there He was, believing in me, encouraging me to get up, brush myself off, and start moving further up and further in once again. In loving me, and you, He has made Himself so amazingly vulnerable, and has set Himself up to be grieved again and again. He just never gives up, and that great Love of His has over the years gradually, yet dramatically, over time, harvested my heart. I’ve certainly not arrived yet, maybe not even close, but I know now that I can love Him with all my heart, soul, mind , and strength, not because I’m special, but because I am special to Him, and He won’t relent until He has it all.

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