One Thing 12/2/16

Jesus died for the world, but He lived for the one. He gave His life for the world, but He gave Himself to the one; one person at a time. He went to the Cross for the world, but He went out of His way for the one. This is the expansiveness of the love of God. His heart is big enough to hold the whole world, yet small enough to hold a little child. The immensity, and the humility of a His love will be adored throughout the endless ages. We all know that God is using all things to work together for our good; and that good He is working in us is to conform us to the image of Christ. That image chiefly looks like someone who loves all, and yet gives all to the one standing in front of you. You see, all those people who are sovereignly in your life are there to teach you how to love. When Jesus said from the Cross “I Thirst,” it was our brightest glimpse into “christlikeness.” He didn’t say “I hurt,” or “I’m tired,” or “I would rather be somewhere else,” or finally, “I don’t have time for this.” Instead, He revealed the true nature of love, that from that place of extraordinary inconvenience and suffering thirsts to give the unaffordable. He echoed the endless and infinite heart of God to love people, and for them to receive the love, loving Him in return. This is what Christlikeness looks like and sounds like. You and I so abiding in His love that we begin to marinate, and His love begins to come out of our pours towards others, one person at a time. Driven by His thirst, we take up our cross daily and follow Him to the place of sacrificial love for the one. The one that is, standing there in front of you.

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