Retro One Thing 07/10/2017

The victorious Christian life flies on two wings. Without both wings operating, you will only fly around in circles never advancing. The two wings that make you fly in the victorious Christian life is surrender and faith. Surrender is absolutely imperative, and it is impossible to live the victorious Christian life without the issue of surrender being settled. Of course, the crises of a surrendered life must be followed up by daily, and sometimes moment by moment, decisions to stay totally yielded to the Lordship of Jesus in your life. As we’ve made very clear in the past, the victorious Christian life is not a set of principles; instead it is a person, Jesus Christ himself living His victorious life in and through us. In light of that reality, if you want to experience the life of the Lord being lived through you, then He must reign as the Lord of your life in you. The Christian life is not an internal democracy; it was a total internal theocracy where Christ alone is allowed to rule. The surrendered life which is the foundation of the victorious life is acknowledging His rule as Lord alone in and over your life. As Christians we have been baptized into Christ, and therefore, have been plunged into the adventurous life of Christ Himself, and oh what an adventure it is. He’s telling His story through your story, but His rights as Lord totally eliminates your right to dictate what the story will look like at any level or at any time. The life that He wants to live through you, which requires your absolute submission to His will, is full of miraculous creativity, and extraordinary surprises; inconvenienced love, along with ridiculous clashes with the powers of darkness, which He sets up intentionally with the intention of winning every time. Again though, only the surrendered are postured to live the life He lives, but that’s not the whole story, because only by faith can you step-by-step appropriate His ability to do all the things He wants to do as your life.

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