Retro One Thing 01/17/2014

I heard someone say last night that this next move of God that we are beginning to enter into will be a Revival of His Presence. My heart gave a great amen to that. I would even call it THE Revival, not a Revival. God is restoring us to first things, and He created us to His Dwelling Place and for Him to be ours. In Psalm 27 David declared, “Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice, and be gracious and answer me. When You said to me, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face O Lord’ I shall seek.” David’s One Thing hearts cry was live in the presence of The Lord. David didn’t cry out for God’s hand, instead he longed for His face. It is a good thing to long for, and cry out for His hand, (His power and signs and wonders). As a matter of fact that is a significant aspect of Christlikeness, but seeking His face must always have first place. The First Commandment must always have first place. I’m convinced that as we become more a people of His presence, His ACTS will be on display at a higher level, with greater ease than we have ever imagined. Why did the Apostles move at such a high level of anointing immediately without graduating stages? I believe the answer is that they had spent so much intense time in Christ’s presence. Seek Him with all of your heart and you will find Him. When you find Him, all that He is, and all that He has will come with His Presence. It’s going to be a RESTING PLACE REVIVAL.

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