One Thing 9/9/21 It’s on His record

This morning I found myself thinking about something negative that happened about 40 years ago and how I had responded to it poorly (I actually know better than doing that, but the enemy caught me off guard before I realized). I had been walking with the Lord for about five years at that time. This morning as I was thinking about my behavior, I was filled with a lot of regret, and I remember telling the Father how much I wished I had behaved differently and how ashamed I was, and that I hated that that was own my spiritual record. The Lord broke through with almost an audible voice and said with such thundering clarity, “It’s not own your record; it’s on Jesus’s record.” I have known this truth and have taught it often over the decades. Still, the enemy took advantage of an emotional morning, (it was one of those mourning kind of mornings) and caught me off guard, tricking me into thinking about things I knew better than the think about. (The great liar doesn’t play fair, so be on guard during opportune times because that’s when He likes to sneak in to wreak havoc in our minds) In some ways, though, I’m glad it happened because those words the Lord spoke to me were fresh words a carried fresh and powerful impact. All I could do was cry as I said to the Lord in response, “It’s on His record,” and He thunderously echoed by saying, “Yes, it was put on Jesus’s record; it’s not on your record at all.” At the Cross, Jesus bore my sin and my sinful record, past, present, and future. Just the truth of that and how the Lord spoke to me this morning just rocked my world again to the wonders of His grace and redemptive genius.

If you find yourself haunted with regret because of something you’ve done, particularly since your spiritual rebirth, hear the Lord speak to you what he spoke to me so that you can let it go; “It’s not on your record; it’s on Jesus’s record,” as if He was the one who did it, and He, as you, on the Cross took it.

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