One Thing 9/8/21 The baptism of the Holy Spirit

Baptism comes from the Greek word “baptizo” and literally means “to dip” or “to immerse.”

Colossians 2:9 – 10 says, “For in Him (Jesus) all the fullness of Deity is embodied, and in Him, you have been made full (complete)”. In Christ we were spiritually born “full,” and if you’re full, you can’t get any more. The Holy Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of Christ in Romans 8:9, and therefore if you have Christ, then you possess the fullness of deity embodied in him. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not getting something that you didn’t already have but is our immersion experientially into the fullness of the life and nature of Christ, which enables us to manifest the light of his life. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not when you get the Spirit or get more of the Spirit; it just means that you get immersed or have your senses tangibly filled and flooded with the Spirit whom you had in fullness all along. It is being experientially flooded by the One who IS already within. It is all from the inside out, not the outside in. Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is simply our first lucid experience of the one we already had thanks to being in Christ. The good news is that you can surrender to and start drinking from the fullness of the Holy Spirit, which you already have. The other part of the good news is that you can stop trying to get “more” of what is already yours and simply start realizing what you already have and start enjoying it. Colossians 3:11 says that “Christ is all, and in all.” The Christ who is ALL lives in all Christians, and he wants each believer to start and stay immersed in His ALLNESS. Personal revival is an outflowing of rivers, not an outpouring.

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