One Thing 8/18/16

S.S.5:10 “My beloved is dazzling and ruddy, Outstanding among ten thousand.


True worshipers worship God in spirit and truth. To worship God in spirit is to love him with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and with all your strength. As I’ve mentioned before the life of a true worshiper is one that is passionately, and extravagantly, and wholeheartedly giving themselves to Him in every area of life. This kind of life of radical and passionate surrender flows out of truth. Truth always releases us into freedom. Christians who seem to live a compromised, or passive life toward God, live that way because they don’t know the truth of who he is. To know the truth of who He is, what He is like, and how He actually feels about you, will wreck you forever.

When asked about her beloved, the Shulamite responded by saying her beloved was dazzling. That word “dazzling” is a Hebrew word that means “scorching” or to “scorch.” Hebrews 12, says that God is an all consuming fire, and Song of Solomon 8 says that His love is like a vehement fire, the very flame of the Lord, that can’t be quenched. There is nothing halfhearted about God’s love for us. It is massive, wildly passionate, unconditional, relentless, and everlasting. It has a scorching affect. Once you’ve encountered the truth about His love for you, it marks you forever, and you’ll never be the same. He never feels stuck with you, but He is supernaturally, radically, and inexplicably stuck on you. Like a fiery seal His love tattoos your heart, and marks you as his own forever.
Remarkably, she also says that He is ruddy, which is the Hebrew word for “earthy.” In other words, He has tenderness towards our humanity, and He is full of compassion in light of our weakness, and frailty. Our imperfections, and lack of maturity doesn’t cause Him to be less passionate, and fierce in His love for us, because He has tender understanding of our humanity. He was tempted in every way like us, partially so that we would believe He understands. If we believe He understands it helps us to push past our shame and accept His great love. The combination of these two attributes, and feelings He has towards us, causes her to say He is “outstanding” among ten thousand. That word outstanding simply means “incomparable.” Yes He is!!!

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