Song 4:9 “You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride;
You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes,
With a single strand of your necklace.
Just a brief thought in light of this verse. If one single glance of my eyes, and one single strand of my necklace means that much to Him, then every moment, and every thought, and every action matters eternally. Every thought of affection toward Him, every moment spent in prayer, and every word of praise, and worship and adoration matter, and have eternal consequences. Every simple act of obedience and surrender count.
It’s also amazing to me how we allow the devil to convince us that we’re to live under a constant sense of not ever doing enough for God. It’s as if feeling that way is proof that we are serious about God. The truth is, instead of you feeling guilty about not spending long periods of time in prayer, God is thrilled when we give Him just one minute, if it comes from the motive of love. Trust me, if you’ll learn that principle it will set you free to spend more and more time alone with Him. He doesn’t have a timer judging how well you did, or how spiritual you are based on how much time you spent with Him. Only people do that kind of nonsense. He would rather have five minutes offered to Him in love than three hours offer to Him out of guilt and duty. Just start there; love will pull you in deeper, and longer.