One Thing 5/17/21 What is faith?

Faith saves us, but how? – By making us aware of Christ, who saves. Faith does not make things what they are but shows us them as they are in Christ.

Faith is evidence, and evidence is not the thing itself but proof that something is already true or has already happened. Faith is not something that we do to get God to do something; instead, faith is our response that gives evidence of what we see God has already done or is doing. Faith cannot make anything true, but what’s true gives birth to faith.

So much teaching the last 20 years in the body of Christ emphasizes faith, and of course, without faith, it is impossible to please God, but the emphasis should always be on Christ and His faithfulness, because that is what faith is all about, Him and His faithfulness. Ephesians 1:10 says, “all things are summed up in Christ.” The Christian life is so simple, but we have made it so complicated by focusing on all the things we are to do, instead of Him. 2 Timothy 2:13 says, “Even when we believe not, He abides faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.” Jesus can’t stop being Jesus, and if you can believe that in any situation, then you have exercised faith. You see, our faith is just a response to what He believes in any circumstance. If you believe that He believes that He is big enough to handle any life situation and that He will be faithful to what He believes about Himself in that situation, then you are walking in faith. It’s all about Him. It starts, continues, and ends with Him. “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. The Pending the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36.

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