One Thing 4/24/14

Song 4:1 ¶ “How beautiful you are, my darling,
How beautiful you are!
Your eyes are like doves behind your veil;
Your hair is like a flock of goats
That have descended from Mount Gilead.

As you may already know, a Mourning Dove will only have one mate. They have singular devotion to just one. Three times in this Song of The Bridegroom He refers to The Shulamite as “His Dove.” She had become one who had given her life to love Him above all other things. Again, she had sealed her heart for love, in the language of chapter 8. Once you have been ruined by His great lovesick heart, your passions become so narrowed. His presence, and His affections become your magnificent obsession. That holy obsession drives you to live your life “behind the veil.” It’s there, in that place of intimacy, gazing on His beauty that your Doves Life begins to cultivate Doves Eyes. Doves, according to Is. 38:14, wistfully long for the heights. The heights, and thus, the depths of His presence and passionate heart increasingly become your dwelling place, and from the heights everything looks different. It’s there, behind the veil, that the reality of Heavenly things become your vision, instead of the earthly. You begin to see the “What Must Take Place” from the Throne Rooms perspective as more real than the “what must take place” decrees of this fallen world. It’s behind the veil that we learn to see what Jesus is up too, so we can lend our humanity to His activity, just as He did in relationship with His Father. This is when the Eyes Of our Hearts see better than the eyes of our head. We find our rest in that place as we become more and more Heavenly minded. Doves Eyes see glory, and opportunities for healing, and purposes being fullfiled, instead of just darkness, brokenness, sickness, and disaster. Doves Eyes are filled with compassion and hope, not just sympathy and dispair. Doves Eyes see as Christ sees, and just as Christ’s were, it’s behind the veil, in the secret place of the steep pathway, where our crucified, lovesick hearts give birth to Risen Eyes.

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