One Thing 4/23/14

Song 4:1 ¶ “How beautiful you are, my darling,
How beautiful you are!
Your eyes are like doves behind your veil;
Your hair is like a flock of goats
That have descended from Mount Gilead.

Those “Taken Ones” who have sealed their hearts for love; those who have said yes to God’s cry, “Seek My Face,” see things with a different set of eyes. They’ve chosen to live “Behind the Veil,” in the Secret Place, pursuing the inner chambers of His heart. Song of Solomon 1:3, refers to them as the “Hidden Ones.” Your version may say “Maidens,” but Ps. 86:3 translates the same word as “Hidden Ones.” These are the ones who have made His presence the great priority of their lives. When you spend enough time behind the veil of this busy world, seeking Him, you begin to develop “Doves Eyes.” A dove can see twice as far peripherally, as they can looking in front of them. Humans are just the opposite of that. A doves vision is so amazing that they can see almost 360 degrees. This was the vision of Christ when He said “I only do those things I see the Father doing.” He, as the Son of Man, spent so much time behind the veil that He, as man, developed Doves Eyes. It’s amazing to think that He has invited us to live the same life, so we can see as He did, thus being able to do the things that He did, in the power of The Spirit. More on this next time.

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