One Thing 10/13/13

The whole world is looking for an authentic, radical demonstration of the life of Jesus. I use the word “radical” intentionally, though if could have simply used the word “actual.” Compared to what most of the Body of has revealed as Jesus, to a broken world, “radical” is probably the right term, because normal from God’s point of view is so dummied in our experience. The life of Christ that we see lived out in the pages of scripture has a Heavenly dynamic to it that we don’t often see among believers, who are called to be Christlike. The problem is, we have so lowered our expectations, and have redefined what Christlikeness looks like, so that we can feel comfortable about our own walk. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to lower the standard so that I’ll feel comfortable, instead I want the Holy Spirit to so change and lift me up, that I’ll fully experience and demonstrate the Life that Jesus lives. The New Creation has been raised up with Him, and has been seated in The Heavenly places in Christ, so that we, while on earth, might demonstrate a Heavenly dynamic. To be Christlike is to live a supernatural life; actually the same life He lived, and now lives in and through us. Nothing is more exciting, intriguing, and world changing than to be Christlike.

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