For the last three or four days I’ve had this open vision of wavy lines. They were stacked on top of each other. There was the one at the bottom; one just above it; one above that; and finally one on top. There was a small space between each wavy line. Each line had wind coming from it, but the top line had the strongest wind. The Lord said that the top line is the Tsunami Wave. waves build up over time, and the third wave has come and gone. We Are now coming to the beginning of the fourth wave. The Star of David was a small star, and a small change in the constellations, but perceptive seers could see its appearance. The fourth wave is like that. Prophets and seers all over the world are perceiving the very early stages of a building wave. What is the time frame for all of this? I don’t know, but the Wave is perceivable.