One Thing 6/11/14

S.S. 1:4 …We will extol Your love more than wine…

When you are lovesick you can’t help but talk about Jesus, The Lover of your soul. I often hear people who have been Christians for a while sadly confess that they don’t talk about Jesus, or witness of Jesus as much as they did in the early days. They say that when they first became Christians they were so full of gratitude and so full of excitement that they had to tell everybody about Jesus, but as the years have gone by they’ve become apathetic, and not as full of joy and enthusiasm as they once were. That is such a sad testimony, because the truth is, as the years go by, their enthusiasm and passion for Jesus should grow even more. Love sick people always do things excessively. The best witnesses are always the best worshipers. Again, what I mean by worshipers are the Intimate Ones; the Hidden Ones who’ve pressed in and have fallen deeper and deeper in love with Jesus. The more you love someone the harder it is to keep quiet about them. It’s the Lovesick that will bring the great harvest, because they can’t help but tell about the One who is “Fairer than the Sons of Men.” Humans were born for love, that’s why they flock to movies that tell a “TRUE” love story. It lifts them out of their “hoped deferred” life for a couple if hours. The greatest love story of all is the one about the Heavenly Bridegroom and His Bride. It’s is such a transcendent love story that it elevates life into something big and historical. We were created for something Big; something Eternal, and it’s the Love Of Christ that transitions us into the GLORIOUS MADNESS Paul talks about in 2Cor. 5. When someone who is actually living that extols Him, the whole world listens, and longs. God is looking for a Lovesick Army to rise up and win the Lost, and lead the Saved into revival, with a testimony of “hope fulfilled.” WORSHIP BEFORE WITNESS.

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