
Retro One Thing 3/13/17

I’ve often heard people use the phrase “blind faith,” yet as Christians there is nothing blind about our faith. Heb. 11 says that Faith is “substance.” Faith isn’t pretending something is true, and faith doesn’t make anything true; instead, faith happens because something already is true, even if not yet visible to the natural eye. […]

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Retro One Thing 03/02/2017

At the Cross, Jesus victoriously proclaimed “It is finished,” and at the Resurrection He declared, “There is hope,” so that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit could reveal “It has begun.” Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection was for the purpose of “making all things new.” Ultimately all of creation, being redeemed by His blood, will be

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Retro One Thing 3/9/17

Guilt and shame are two different things. Guilt is all about what you’ve done, but Shame goes much deeper because it is all about who you are. Shame involves self-loathing and self rejection. It is all enveloping. When you walk in shame there is a deep sense of disqualification and personal worthlessness. Condemnation carries both

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