Weekly Services
This weekday service includes a short time of worship, corporate intercessory/prophetic prayer for revival and the nations, a message from the word, ministry of prophetic words, Holy Communion and opportunity for personal prayer for healing of the body, mind and emotions.
Recordings of Chuck Jones’ devotional teachings given at the noon service are available on this site under Audio Devotionals.
This evening service includes worship and a more in depth time of Bible study taught by Chuck Jones.
Recordings of Wednesday night teachings are available on the church’s website www.ctkselma.net.
Sunday morning service begins with worship at 10:00 am each Sunday and includes Bible readings, teaching, prophetic ministry and Holy Communion.
You can also watch the service in real time on ustream or view it at your leisure from the ustream archives.
Audio of sermons are available on the church’s website www.ctkselma.net.
Everyone is welcome to join us for any service and communion is open to all baptized believers.
Chuck Jones leads the services and others join him in ministering prophetic words and praying for individuals.
When he is not in Selma, other clergy and prophets conduct the services.
If you are planning a personal revival retreat in Selma, any or all of these services would be good to include in your schedule.

Cathedral of Christ The King in Selma, AL
We are located at 1204 Highland Avenue in the Heart of historic Selma, Alabama where we are praying, believing and prophetically declaring that God is sending revival to this city! Join us as we cry out for His kingdom to come!