The Way 9/30/24 What Is Normal?

What is normal? I hear Christians often defining what normal is based on how they feel, justifying attitudes that don’t line up with the biblical definition of normal.

I realize that different changes in our lives can create “new normals,” circumstantially and relationally, but “true normal” stays the same.

When I say “true normal,” I’m talking about Jesus, for He (how He sees things, how He thinks and feels, and His attitude) is the TRUTH, and that which is other than the truth is not normal. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes, even in the midst of all the changes that happen around us in this fallen world. This Jesus that never changes lives inside of every Christian totally incorporated into our lives. The gospel is not our doing our best in the name of Jesus with the Holy Spirit’s help. The gospel is our being grafted into the life of Jesus and the best that He can do in and through us by the Holy Spirit. We are invited to surrender to the best He can do in all the situations of life. Nothing about a Christian should look like the best the world can do, and their standards should never dictate our idea of normal. We can’t outsource to the world to tell us what normal looks like. That will only result in a Christian settling for abnormal, which is always fallen and destructive.

Jesus in us is our psychology, philosophy, and worldview. We are new creatures in Christ, and the world has never seen anything like us before.

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