The Way 9/3/24 What pain taught me

I spent a lot of years educationally to prepare to do what I do. I have several degrees in theological studies, but the most educational moment for me as far as theology is concerned happened in the school of Christ many years ago when I was in my late 20s. In the context of one of the most painful experiences I have ever walked through, I sought the Lord intensely to try to find some answers and some internal healing. Experiencing loss can make you feel like your heart has caved in, and the idea of moving forward can seem pointless. I had given my life to Christ some years earlier and had discovered the glorious adventure of being in Christ, grafted into His life so that He could live His life through me. Since that discovery, every day had become one of unfolding favor and blessing. Victory upon victory in my daily walk had become my story in union with Jesus. Two years into my being a Christ follower, I fell head over heels into the reality that Jesus Christ alone could live the Christian life and that He was prepared to live His glorious and victorious life through me, thus His power being perfected in my weaknesses. In a flash, I was literally set free from the clinical depression and anxiety that I had been suffering from, and glorious freedom was my reality. So years later, when devastating loss crashed into me, I did not know what to make of it because it did not feel like blessing, favor, or victory. I felt immobilized emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. All I knew to do was to sob often and to seek the one who is the truth about everything. During those dark hours the Holy Spirit very intentionally led me for the first time in my life to plunge into the book of Job. I spent days asking the Lord questions as I slowly read the book of Job countless times. There are so many things in this school of Christ where pain becomes our tutor that I learned in those few days, which marinated and brought healing to my heart and mind that I do not have time to talk about now, but the two most important things I learned changed my life forever. These two truths set me free, not from sadness but from darkness. They became my theological foundation, and everything I believe is built on these two truths. Let me try to word it in the way God spoke to me. First, He said, “Chuck, I am big, and I can do anything I want to with your life, and because I am so big, I don’t know owe explanations.” Secondly, He said, “Chuck, I am good, and therefore, everything I do in your life flows from my goodness and kind intentions.” Those two truths were my breakthrough, and it is a breakthrough that I still live in over forty years later. God is big, and God is good!! Since that time, I have never challenged His bigness, and I have never questioned His goodness. His goodness has never been on trial because the truth of His goodness was settled for me about forty-five years ago. I thank God for all the theological training I’ve had because it helps from time to time, but the theological foundation that shapes my worldview in every event of life is simply that God is big, and He is good. Oh by the way, God is good; God is big, and Jesus rocks 🙂

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