The Way 6/10/24 In every situation Jesus is the truth that sets you free

Jesus is the truth about every situation, and if you know the truth about who Jesus is in that situation, then the truth sets you free. When you see a person suffering from affliction, Jesus is what’s true – his desire and ability to heal that person.

In Mark 4, we have the story of Jesus getting in a boat with His disciples, and a fierce gale coming up on the Sea of Galilee. It says that the waves were breaking over the boat to such a degree that was beginning to fill up. His disciples were panicking (When in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout) as we disciples often are, yet Jesus was in the stern of the boat asleep on a cushion. The disciples woke Him and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” In response, Jesus got up and told the wind, “Hush, be still.” The wind immediately died down and it became perfectly calm, and Jesus said to the twelve, “Why are you afraid? How is it that you have no faith?” Why is it that Jesus said that they had no faith in light of the fact that they did look to Him to deal with the situation? Isn’t that faith? Of course not; pleading faith is no faith at all. The only person exercising faith in the boat was Jesus. His was resting faith, and when you have resting faith, you have authority in any situation. Seated in heavenly places in Christ, we rule from a resting position.

All they had to do was look at Jesus and see the truth about the situation. Because Jesus wasn’t panicking, they didn’t need to.  Just before they got into the boat, Jesus said to them, “Let us go over to the other side.” Jesus and His promise that they were going to the other side was the truth about the situation, not the wind nor the waves. We live by His faith. If that boat had sunk, then it would have been the first submarine in history because they were going to go all the way to the other side. That was the truth, and if you will simply trust in the truth – Jesus is the truth – in every situation, the truth will set you free.

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