The Way 5/23/24 The treasure in clay pots

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves. 2 Corinthians 4:7

There is no treasure in this world that compares to the treasure that is the Lord Jesus. Those who have discovered this treasure are the richest people on earth, forever liberated from envy, jealousy, and comparing.  The stunning good news that is the gospel is that you more than just possess the treasure that is the person of Christ; this treasure actually indwells you. Because you are in Christ, Christ is in you, literally encapsulating you. Apart from Christ, we are just earthen vessels that are easily broken, but the presence of Jesus in our earthen vessels totally changes our identity, and capacity for live. An empty clay pot is just that, but a clay pot that contains a priceless treasure is now identified by the very thing it contains. We were created to contain, fellowship with, and display the life of God. Because of the effects of the Fall, we are still earthen vessels that are easily cracked, but because of the treasure of the indwelling Christ, in our weaknesses, His strength is made perfect. As a matter of fact, our weaknesses become the very platform on which the adequacy of Christ is displayed. Your frailties don’t disqualify you from supernatural living. Instead, they posture you to experience the surpassing greatness of the power of God in your daily lives. Being an earthen vessel is a wonderful reminder that the power to live the Christian life doesn’t come from ourselves but from the illimitable power of the indwelling Christ. It is time to stop trying to be for God, what only He can be through you. In light of the treasure that is within, celebrate your smallness as an earthen vessel because only when you do will you lean into His “bigness” for when you are weak, then you are strong in Christ.

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