The Way 5/21/24 Jesus is the resurrection and the life

I am the resurrection and the life …John 11:25…

What an incredibly pregnant statement. The only answer to the fall of mankind was death and resurrection. Let me make that even more specific and personal; the only answer to fallen humanity was death and resurrection. The old fallen self had to be killed (without destroying humanity), and a totally new kind of self had to be created with us still being us. What kind of wisdom could accomplish such a miracle? The God who is love, in mystical brilliance, conceived the wisdom of the ages, deciding to become one of us. In becoming human He gathered fallen mankind into His person, and dying AS US, killed the fallen false self. Having crucified the old, in His resurrection, in union with Him, a whole new self arose. It wasn’t just a whole new self, but a whole new kind of self that emerged in the resurrection. This new self is one with Jesus, and because of that union, Christ Himself lives His supernatural life through our own unique lives and personality. Thus, resurrection and newness of life is Jesus. Resurrection and new life is not something that Jesus accomplished for us. It is something that was accomplished in Jesus. He is our Resurrection, and He is our life, for Christ is all, and in all Colossians 3:3-4,11.

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