The Way 2/20/25 The normal Christian life is a life in revival

Let me first state that I am a revivalist. Having said that, the revival that most Christians are waiting for is already here. All you have to do is embrace it. Better said, all you have to do is embrace Him, for revival is Jesus. The word “vive” is a latin word that means “alive,” thus to revive something is to bring something that is dead or barely alive back to full “life.”

To be a Christian is to be someone who is “in Christ.” To be grafted into the life that Jesus lives is Christianity. Can you imagine any life more “vived” than the life that Jesus lives. Jesus lived a life of supernatural victory over the power of sin; and sacrificial love that even moved in signs and wonders to set people free from the oppression of the enemy.

If I were to tell you that you were about to have a breakthrough that would bring you into an experience of freedom from sin’s reign, joy unspeakable full of glory, a peace that passes all understanding, and a union with the compassionate heart of God for broken humanity that even manifests in a signs and wonders lifestyle, you would call that genuine, personal revival. Another word for that kind of life would simply be “JESUS.“ The life that Jesus lived then, lived now, by Him through us, is the normal Christian life, and the normal Christian life is a revival life. The apostle Paul described it this way; “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”

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