Recently, I found myself copping an attitude about something. Jesus, of course, doesn’t do attitudes; ever. I was really disappointed in myself and frustrated with the fact that I had given in to that sin again. In the context of the level of disappointment and frustration I was feeling, there rose up in me, with great sincerity, the words, “Lord, I promise…,” but before I could finish my sentence, Jesus interrupted me with great clarity, and said, “No Chuck, I promise you!” When the Lord interrupted me, I was about to say, “Lord, I promise that I will never do that again,” but I knew when He interrupted me and said what He said, He was reminding me that it is not my promises to him that keeps me from sinning, but His promise to me. Our part is to surrender to and trust in his faithfulness to “keep us from falling away “at any given moment. His grace is sufficient, not our determination.