1 Thessalonians 5:24
Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it. What an amazing promise! Whatever situation you are called to; whatever relationship you find yourself in, the One who has called you into those realities is the one who will be faithful to do it through you. Life isn’t about whether you are adequate or inadequate. For the Christian, our rest is found in knowing that He (the one who is always adequate) will be faithful. It could be about your job and the people you work for, or work with. It can be about parenting, or marriage, or something as simple as carrying on a conversation with someone who is trying to intimidate you. The bottom line is, whatever you are doing, or about to do, He promises to be more than big enough for the task at hand. 2 Timothy 2:13 says, “Even when we believe not, He abides faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.” No more struggling, trying to do the best you can, for it is now resting in doing the best He can.