There will be a word posted in a day or two about God raising the roof in worship, but this morning He said the Song Dynasty has now taken over The Heavenly River. We live in a time where I’ve never seen such a flow of anointed worship songs being written. Many thought the same thing in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. That was only the beginning. What we are seeing now is unprecedented in Church history. The Song Dynasty is still in its infant stages, but it is growing by leaps and bounds in its power, and influence The flow will continue grow, with God preparing more and more worshippers with a song in their heart to emerge. The creativity boundaries have been obliterated. The age limits have been lifted. The Song Dynasty has overtaken management of the Heavenly River, and it is on the sounds of Heaven that is being released into the hearts of true worshippers, that is going to carry the Church into the Heavenly Places. As we see the Kingdom manifested at an accelerated rate in these days of released Revival, know that it’s the river that is bringing us there. As the manifest kingdom, and it’s Glory transforms things around us, and in us, it will be a Song Dynasty that we will be living in. In this Song Dynasty, the melodies in our hearts will be a heavenly river flowing out of our inner man to God. There will be no more room for murmuring and complaining. People on the streets will hear the sounds coming up out of you even if you aren’t making a sound. It will be as if God has released His Church into the streets as a Heavenly choir, serenading the world with the sound of hearts in love with Jesus. The Lost willed drawn to the Heavenly Sirens, and will be lured into loves submission and join the Heavenly chorus of joy, delight, and freedom. The Meek and the Mastered are surely inheriting the Earth. God’s priority is cultivated Lovesick True Worshippers in these days. Join the Choir. Surrender your hearts to the Song Dynasty.