I was attending a 7 AM service here in Selma, and during the service I had an OpenVision. What I saw was underneath the soil everywhere in Selma in the area surrounding Selma there were seeds they were the seeds of revival. Lord said, “The soil all over Selma has been seeded with the word of revival.” There were some places around Selma, though not every place, where the seed had broken through the ground, and the sprouts of revival had appeared, and were growing.
At that point, God’s conversation with me began to change, and He began to speak to me about seeding the word of revival in places beyond Selma. He showed me that there were other places, other lands, around the world, were prophetic voices had seeded the soil of those lands with the words of revival. When a person receives a word from God, the Lord seeds their heart with the word of the kingdom.
Whenever God speaks a word in your heart through the scripture, or a dream, or a vision, or through some other person’s prophetic voice and ministry, He is sowing into your heart a word of the kingdom concerning your life. Whenever God gives a word to a Prophet, and that person decrees that word and declares it over region, then that seed has been cast, and God seeds that region, it’s soil and the atmosphere of it’s circumstances with the word of the Kingdom, and the Kingdom’s purposes for that area.
God has been sending, and is sending, prophetic voices all over this country, and around the world, to cast the seeds of revival into soils of cities and regions and nations. They are declaring that revival is here, even though you cannot see it in the natural, it is here, seeded in your very soil and atmosphere.
I asked the Lord about those places where the soil had been seeded why was it only coming up in certain places in those areas. He said because people, particularly leaders, in that area weren’t standing in faith and in agreement with the word about revival that had been released into that area. I was reminded of the parable of the seed and the sower, and even though the word of the kingdom had seeded the soil of hearts, only those who believed the word, and held fast to it, with perseverance, according to Mark 4:20; and Luke 8:15, bear the fruit of that seeded word. Hebrews 6:12, says by faith and patience we receive the promises. It does not say by patience, or by simply waiting around for it, that we will receive the promises, but it says by faith and patience. That means that as we wait for the sprouting to come we must be actively believing.
2Cor.4:5 says, that the spirit of faith is to speak what you believe. Elijah saw the storm, in the spirit, and heard it, before he ever saw it in the natural. When God seeds the soil of an area with the word of revival, He wants His people in that region to come into agreement with that word in their hearts, and to start standing in faith, declaring it, because they see it in their spirit, until it comes forth through the soil and can be seen in the natural.
In Luke 13:6-9, is a parable about a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came looking for fruit on it and didn’t find any. So he declared to the vineyard-keeper that he was gonna cut down that tree. He cries out in despair as to why it’s even in the ground, but the vineyard-keeper tells him to leave it alone for another year and allow him to dig around it and to put in fertilizer. He said if there is not fruit in a year then cut it down. The fertilizer is persevering faith. Though the tree was planted, it had to be stewarded so it could bare fruit.
Jeremiah 1:12 says, the God is watching over his word to perform it. The verse before that God ask Jeremiah, “What do you see, Jeremiah?”. Jeremiah responded by saying, “I see a rod of an almond tree.” The word “almond,” and the word “watching” in verse 12 are the same root Hebrew word, “to watch, to be awake, to intend to bring a thing about.” When God releases a word into our lives or into a region, it’s like He plants a Tree of Watching, as a sign of His steadfast commitment to perform that word. He is waiting for us to come into agreement with His word, and to actively, and steadfastly stand under that Watching Tree UNTIL. STAY AWAKE WITH HIM ABOUT HIS WORD UNTIL!!!