“The Big One”- A prophetic word for America 10/8/18

About two days ago the Lord gave me a word for America. In light of all the chaos, and anger, fear, and division, my heart is really been troubled at a deeper level than just human heart trouble. I’ve known is been in my spirit, but there been too many emotions involved to get a clear word from God, but a couple of days ago in the place of deep peace God spoke clearly into my spirit this word.

“America is going through the Big One. Just like for decades people have talked about the West Coast experiencing the Big One earthquake that could cause part of America to fall off the map, I believe that America is now experiencing the Big One. It is not a physical earthquake, but America is being shaken to its very core, and if she is not careful, part of American will fall off the map. It is very important for the Bride of Christ to rise up and from her place of authority in union with Christ in the heavenlies, pray for America, because America is in a very serious and dire place where if the shaking gets much worse, part of America will fall off the map.”

I know this is not a fun word to hear, but I believe it is a word from the Lord. It has always been God’s plan to exercise dominion on the earth through people who love him, and or utterly and totally dependent on him. His people must pray from our posture of rest and dominion in Christ, in the heavenly places.

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