Street Testimony 5/17/2021

What Is A Soul Worth?

I pulled up to the church and a man walked up to me. “Do you have any change?” I found the 12 cents in my pocket and told him its all I had but he could have it. He said thank you. I asked if he had any physical pain or any prayer needs. He said he had pain in his backside from a car accident and asked for prayer for his family and brother. He seemed a little strung out to me, but Jesus can make high people low and low people high. He let me pray and he said the pain left his body and I got to share the gospel with him about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and that if we let Him in, what He did for this man’s body, Jesus will do for his whole life. He said he wanted that and I was able to lead him in a quick prayer to receive Jesus as he walked to work.

Instantly I felt the Holy Spirit asking me ‘what is a soul worth?’ Is a soul worth the pennies in my pocket? 10 minutes of my time? An interruption in my schedule? Yes and far more, worth the very blood of Jesus Christ. The devil gives people far less and many take it. The economy of souls is the enterprise of the spiritual world, and the Lord places the highest premium on individual lives. One of the key battles is in knowing this value. We may only have 12 cents or 10 minutes, but if Jesus puts His Spirit on it it has the power to transform the world. I read that John Wimber used to say “I am loose change in God’s pocket. He can spend me as He pleases.” Spend us Lord, as You please. To the glory of Your Name.

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