Typos corrected- Sounding the Alarm- A Prophetic word for the Church in America 10/25/18

Joel 2:1; Blow a trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,

Though I am not a fan of President Trumps style and I wish (oh how I wish) he would not tweet some of the things he tweets, especially when he is attacking someone personally. I fully understand those Christian leaders who have a real hard time with him. I do believe though, that God is sovereign and is using his style to do something very important. Pres. Trump probably doesn’t realize it is happening, but I believe that God is using his style to mock the demonic. Demonic spirits like to put on a different face while they do there work. They try to stay hidden so that they can’t be dealt with. Most of the time when people first start doing deliverance ministries the Lord allows there to be great manifestations so that is easy for the ministers to see what’s going on so can deal with the demonic. The demonic would much rather stay hidden away while driving agendas in a person’s life or in a country’s life. What demons cannot stand, (because of the root of pride in them, which comes from their father the devil, who at the core of who he is, is pride) is to be mocked. When demons are mocked they suddenly come out of hiding and reveal themselves in very alarming ways, and I believe that is happening right before our eyes. What we’re seeing happening in front of us by the secularist on the left, and the false religious on the left is the demonic manifesting itself with such anger, and violence, and a blatant display of lifestyles that are so destructive and unholy, is simply the demonic, in rage, taking the mask off and revealing itself. God is allowing this to happen, so that the Church will hear the alarm and wake up to what’s been going on behind the scenes, or behind the face. Again, President Trumps motives for some of the things he does, in terms of the way he converses with people in speeches and in tweets, may not have have very pure motives, but I believe God is using it to mock the demonic so that the demonic will come out from behind the mask they have been hiding behind, so the Church can finally see the reality of what’s happening in our culture and our country, so that the Church will rise up and do something about it. (God even used Ceasar Augustus to call for a census, which positioned Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem, so God’s divine purposes could be realized) God is blowing the trumpet (Trump-et) and is sounding the alarm by allowing such ALARMING things to happen right in front of us. The absolutely evil, and heartless methods used to try to stop the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is a classic example. It was absolutely alarming to watch the behavior of the senators who opposed him, and the behavior of the citizens in the halls of the Senate, and the streets, and on the steps of the Supreme Court. It was. ALARMING!!! But you have to remember, that the Lord always allows the enemy to overplay his hand to expose him, so he can be delt with. That was the whole point, from God’s perspective, to expose the ALARMING behavior. It was his way of sounding an ALARM to get the attention of the Church to the true nature of the battle that is going on for the soul of America. In sports we  often hear the term “Their destiny is still in their hands.” What that means is,  if a team will simply wins out the rest of their games they will be put in the position to accomplish all the goals they originally set out to accomplish. I believe God told me that he has allowed for some time now the ALARMING behavior to be played out in front of us because this nations destiny “is still in the hands of the Church.” The Lord has allowed the enemy over the last few years to come out of the closet and to show himself. There has been a very well-planned patient strategy over the last three or four decades to slowly anesthetize the American conscience to things like homosexuality, and abortion. The plan has worked very well, and large number of people, including some who consider themselves Christians, have been deceived. Of course, God has called his people to walk in union with the love of Christ for all human beings regardless of their condition, and behavior, but accepting destructive behavior in the name of compassion is the cruelest thing Christians could ever do to someone deceived and captured by sin. Over the last recent years the voice of the enemy has gotten clearer and louder, and yet generally not raging, but over the last two the enemy has lost his cool and has exposed himself in all of his rage and bizarreness. God has allowed him to be mocked, and he just can’t stand it. It is so important for the body of Christ to rise up while the destiny of this nation is still in our hands, and  pray and make prophetic declarations  in prayer over America. Elijah was a man with a nature just like ours and yet because of his prayer the heavens withheld rain for three and half years, and only returned at his word. God’s plan has always been to exercise dominion on this earth through a people who love Him, and are utterly dependent on him. If one man’s prayer could shape a nation, as is a recorded in 1 Kings 18, can you imagine if a multitude of believers in America begin to cry out in faith for the deliverance of our country. I do not fully understand, or have great clarity as to what revival is going to look like, but I know this, there will at least be a remnant of people that is America who will have burning hearts as lovesick holy ones before the Lord God. I believe that our times are in God’s hands, but I also believe that Mary, in John 2, influenced heavenly timetables that compeled Jesus to act, even though he said that his time and not yet come. I believe that the bride of Christ can influence heavenly timetables in our country, or by our inaction that “timetable” can be set back. Be in prayer for these midterm elections because Kairos time is at stake. I am first and foremost a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. I am grateful for nation where the gospel has been freely preached, and from whete the gospel can be freely sent out. You need understand this “ALL OF THAT IS AT STAKE.” I consider myself not a member of any political party. I am for whoever will promote kingdom principles, righteousness, and the compassion of God. There are many sincere people who are part of the secularist left, or the religious left that mean well, not understanding the powerful principalities behind the growing acceptance, and raging proclamation of beliefs and behaviors that are not just contrary, but are anti-christ, or present a false gospel, and a false Jesus in the name of a false compassion. Holy compassion will always line up with biblical truths in righteousness, while false compassion will always only yield to the doctrine of the culture, not knowing that the doctrine of the culture condemns the culture to destruction. God has sounded the alarm. Will the church echo the alarm and awaken itself to rise up and exercise the spiritual dominion that is our God-given privilege and responsibility. This nations destiny is in our hands.

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