Retro One Thing06/27/2016

John 3:7 There *came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus *said to her, “Give Me a drink.”

As we said before, Jesus wasn’t looking to just satisfy her thirst for love; He was asking her to satisfy His thirst for love. That was the drink He was asking her to give Him. He was asking her for something she had the capacity to give, or He would not have asked. We were all created to love God, and as lovers of God we find our true identity and purpose in life. Jesus came to awaken in her passion for God. 1John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.” Only as He initiates love can we love Him back. Even though we all have the capacity to love Him; He has to awaken that in us by Him confronting us with His extravagant passion for us. What I particularly want you to notice is this, Jesus wasn’t looking for a follower; He was looking for a LOVESICK-follower. He wasn’t looking for a casual lover; He was looking for an extravagant worshiper.

He doesn’t want us to settle for less than all that He has. He offered her living water that would spring up in her to life as it’s experienced, and lived in Heaven while still on earth. A love and life so extravagant but she would never thirst again out of emotional and spiritual emptiness. In like manner, He isn’t willing to settle for half-hearted love from us toward Him. He is looking for extravagant, wholehearted worshiper-lovers. That alone can quench His thirst.

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