Retro One Thing 9/15/2012

Psalm 36:8 They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.

Is. 4:2 In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel.

The human heart longs to marvel. We long to be in awe, to be fascinated. God created us that way. We can’t repent of it, and we can’t quench it. The entertainment Industry understands that better than most Christians do, and everything they do is built on that reality. We are wired by God to experience pleasure, therefore the desire and longing for pleasure is very natural for humans. God Himself is the most magnificent marvel; the most fascinating reality of all time. Only in the proximity of His presence are there pleasures forevermore. Nothing is as awe inspiring as Him. He wired us the way He did, with the longings we have, because He created us for Him.

Think about that. If we are created for Him, and thus to be only satisfied in Him, then our longing to be fascinated is a God sized longing. Nothing the world has to offer will ever satisfy your need to be awed; to be marveled. Nothing is sadder than a bored, fascinated Christian. It’s the beauty of the Lord that satisfies the Human spirit. It’s the river of His delights that quenches our thirst for pleasure. Nothing is as thrilling as His beauty and glory. That word “glorious” in Isaiah 4:2 is the Hebrew word for “heavy,” “weighty.” His glory; His beauty is heavy. It fills us. It satisfies us. It’s not feathery, light weight stuff.

This is why we must make the One Thing life our priority. If we don’t, we then become vulnerable to the enemy who tries to satisfy our longing to be thrilled and satiated, with light weight stuff like perversion, drugs, power, prestige, applause, material things, and even ministry.

Live fascinated and thrilled with Him, not frustrated and bored with life.

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