It concerns me that so many Christians interpret the words of Jesus, “It is finished,” to actually mean “It begins.” It seems that so many believers think what Jesus did at the Cross was to clear the decks of the sin barrier between God and us so that we can now begin to openly chase after God so that we can get more and more from him the blessings that He longs to shower on us. It does bless me to see a hunger in the hearts of brothers and sisters in Christ for “more,” but it is imperative that we understand that God hungered for you way before you had any desires for him. He so hungered for us that He pursued us through the ages and that ravenous desire to have us as His own and to fully bless us drove Him to the Cross, where all of that was accomplished. His hunger for you predated and far outweighed your hunger for Him. The very fact that so many Christians exert so much energy to get “more” is testimony to their desire to experience “all.” The sad reality is that we spend a lot of time pursuing a fresh blessing from God when the truth is we have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. The truly biblical pursuit of the “more” is the continual discovery of the fullness that He has already deposited in you because of the “finished” work of the Cross. At the Cross, God did not just forgive you and save you from hell; in Christ, he poured out all that heaven has to offer for those who are in Jesus. The unquenchable hunger to explore the depths of Him that was procured for you in His finished work is a holy hunger, but there is a difference between the hunger to discover and the hunger that hopes to earn. You can’t do anything to deserve what you already have for free. What is free for you cost Him everything, and I believe it grieves His heart to watch us beg Him to give what He has already passionately given. Was the Cross enough? Did He fully accomplish our completion in Him, or are we still lacking something because He was just fooling when He said, “It is finished!”