Retro One Thing 5/26/2013

Ps. 37:5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

One of the fiercest enemies we face in our walk are the It-tites. If you notice that in that verse the word “It” is in italics, which means “It” is not supposed to be there. When you and I face battles we are called to commit them to The Lord, but then we get into trouble because we already have an idea in our minds how God is supposed to handle “It.” If it doesn’t appear that God is doing “It” the way He was supposed to or how we thought He was going to, then we sink into discouragement and despair. We need to give God time and space to do what He wants to do in each situation we trust Him with. Be assured, in restful confidence, that every time you commit a situation, by faith, into His care, He takes it up as His and He will victoriously glorify Himself in “It.” Just, in confident expectation, let Him, who you are supposed to be trusting, do “It” the way He wants to. Remember 2 Corinthians 2:14, ” Thanks be to God, who ALWAYS leads us in HIS triumph in Christ.”

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