Retro One Thing 5/11/2012

Psalm 17:15 As for me, I will continue beholding Your face in righteousness (rightness, justice, and right standing with You); I shall be fully satisfied, when I awake [to find myself] beholding Your form [and having sweet communion with You].

Being satisfied with His face is the most captivating way a human being can possibly live. It’s a way of living that transcends all disappointments in this life. It’s like an ever flowing fountain, that we drink from that is forever satisfying.

When Jesus lovingly confronted the woman at the well with her true thirst, He promised her a well of water leaping up from within her that would so satisfy, she would never thirst again. Imagine that, here was a woman who had spent her whole life trying to satisfy her thirst through outward things and human relations, yet always ended up thirsty. Jesus promised to be so satisfying to her that she would never thirst.The language there is actually, “never, no never thirst again.”

God is love, and we were created to receive and reciprocate His affections. Only in that relationship will any person ever be fully satisfied. It’s His face, (His intimate presence and glory, which is His beauty) that is our great gift for being human, and it’s in delighting in the face of the One Who so delights in us that makes us so fully alive; so fully human. Being loved by Him and loving Him back truly is life, and life more abundant.

Have a great day enjoying sweet communion with Him who SO satisfies.

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