Colossians 3:11 says that Christ is all and in all. In light of that truth, every Believer has the right to experience and manifest all that Jesus is, yet, in spite of the fact that all Christians have been “made full in Christ,” so few have a consuming vision to realize the ALL. Understand, when I talk about the ALL, I’m talking about the biblical model or example of Christlikeness, not some dummied-down version that fits our experience so that we won’t feel guilty or have to take risks. The life that Jesus lived in the pages of scripture was radical, radical holiness and radical love that often expressed itself in miracles, signs, and wonders. The greatest apologetic we have for the proof of the living resurrected Jesus is not a debate or a sermon, but the life of the risen Christ Himself lived out in supernatural fashion through the available humanity of a simple Christian. The world is longing for an encounter with something that is bigger than the mess they’ve made with their lives, and you and I, as the Body of Christ, owe them that encounter. Think about what I just said; as a Christian, you are literally the body of Jesus. We are now the body through which He continues to live His life on this earth and, therefore, the body through which He can touch and miraculously change a life in a moment. If we don’t have a vision for the life that Jesus lives in fullness, then not only does the enemy rob us of the life more abundant that Christ died and rose again to give us, but we rob the world of the encounters with Christ we can offer them. As people IN CHRIST, being restored to your true humanity – you have the privilege of being a human vehicle of Christ’s life. Your desire for THE ALL and your yielded childlike faith will open the window to the blessings of heaven, for God will fill the temple of your bodies with His glorious life and begin to do the impossible in and through you.