Have you ever noticed that Jesus never complained about whatever situation He found Himself in? Even at Gethsemane He asked if the cup could pass from Him, but He didn’t complain. In the end, He simply reaffirmed His total surrender to whatever the Father wanted. Several times in the gospel of John Jesus said that He was in the Father and that the Father was in Him. In those statements, Jesus was emphasizing His vital union with the Father. Jesus revealed the likeness of the Father (Jn. 1:18) through union. As the Son of Man, He was placed into the life of the Father and the story the Father wanted to tell. The Father lived HIS life and told HIS story through Jesus (Jn. 14:10) as Jesus daily lived abandoned to the Father’s will, utterly confident in the Father’s ability. Jesus, therefore, believed that every situation He found Himself in was the result of the Father telling His story through Him. Jesus was also confident that whatever the story looked like, the Father, by the Holy Spirit, was more than adequate for the task. No, He never complained; instead, He was always expectant as to what the Father was up to and was simply yielded to what the Father would do next. By the way, Jesus said about us, “AS THE FATHER SENT ME, SO SEND I YOU.”