Retro One Thing 3/18/20 Effortless Victory

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASB  Rejoice always; [17] pray without ceasing; [18] in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 5:20 NASB  always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;

Sometimes, life and stress-containing circumstances come at us instantly and with great and overwhelming speed, and it is in those times particularly when it seems like everything we’ve ever known about walking in the spirit seems to go out the window. It is easy to abide in Christ when everything is predictable and safe, but when things come at you fast and furious, what do we do? For one, remember that Christianity is a relationship with the person, and therefore, cultivating depth as far as intimacy with Christ is concerned in the secret place is imperative if we are going to manifest the likeness of Christ in the moment. Abiding in the depths will make it much easier for you to instantly abide on the surface level when the fast and furious comes at you. Intimacy cultivated causes our consciousness of being in Christ to grow deep roots.

I used to tell people that when they find themselves in rapid-fire stressful situations, it is important not to react to the circumstance but instead to respond to the Lord. That is still a really good statement, but as I pondered on that today, I think it carries the idea of too much effort, for victory is manifested as we rest. When we find ourselves in these kinds of nitty-gritty, blood and guts, battles that can sometimes make up our everyday lives, it is not about us being tested, but it is about our faith being tested, and victorious faith is resting faith. Our faith isn’t about us but about our resting in His faithfulness. If you are trying to believe, then you have missed the whole point of what faith is actually about. It is not about trying; it is about trusting, and therefore, I think it is better to say when rapid-fire situations that contain opportunities to stress out you, don’t react or respond to the situation, but simply remember that you are in Christ (this is part of His story, and He is always adequate for His story), and say thank you. Faith is just saying, “Thank You, Jesus, Now.”

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