Retro One Thing 2/17/2012

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

I’ve always loved these verses from 1Tim.6. So many Christians have been robbed of just the wonder of what it means to be a Christian. It seems that many are just holding on to life instead of taking hold of life and celebrating the life that we have In Christ. As believers, we don’t just have life in this fallen world, we have eternal life. Eternal life is not about duration, though it does last forever and will never quit getting better everyday, but it’s about a kind of life.

Don’t wait to enjoy life when you die. It’s a Today Life to be enjoyed now. It’s a life described by John as life that’s more abundant. Again, John in 17:3 says its a life of enjoying the intimate and experiential presence of Jesus everyday that lasts forever. Just think, you get to face today knowing Jesus as your love and your very life. You are His treasure and He is the treasure that lives in the vessel of your humanity. What could be more exciting? All that He is, and all that He has, for all that you need every moment, and in every situation. No longer living as a victim, in fear and self pity, but attacking life as the container of the Victorious One who shares His more than conquering life with us.

Don’t be a survivor, instead be an overcomer In Christ. Don’t just endure the day like the lost around you who are just trying to squeeze everything they can out of this fallen world. Be one who Takes Hold of the transcendent Eternal Life that is our privilege to live here and forever.

Have a great day In Christ, abandoned to His abundance!

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