Retro One Thing 12/20/2013

Psa. 23:4 Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me.

This is, of course, from one of the most beloved passages of scripture. The whole of Psalm 23 is so encouraging, but this particular verse has sort of jumped off the page for me these last couple of days. Every one of us, from time to time, walk through a Valley of The Shadow Of Death. Just those dark days or seasons that seem so lifeless. Those are real times and a phony faith that tries to confess that they aren’t real doesn’t allow God, who is in control, to accomplish in us those eternal things He wants to accomplish.

The danger is that we can be deceived to think the dark valley is the whole story. Even though those times are real, they aren’t the TRUTH. Truth represents the sum of a thing and the truth is, in those times of darkness, there is another reality that changes everything. David said, “though I walk through the valley of death, You are with me.” You see, His presence makes all the difference in the world. It totally changes the story line. You may be walking through a dark, lifeless valley that feels very real, but the truth is, His presence is with you and His presence is always the game changer.

You can know the joy of His presence even when surrounded by darkness. As a matter of fact, it’s in those times that you learn to value His presence as your greatest treasure. When you learn to practice and celebrate His presence in the valley, you won’t fear evil, because you will grow in confidence in the redemptive activity of your glorious Boaz.

In short, the truth of His present presence comforts you in the joy of His affection and also assures you that He always wins.

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