Retro One Thing 12/11/2017

Ephesians 1 says that everything is summed up in Christ; and it is important that we take that literally. One of the things that Christians often cry out for is for God to give them peace as they walked through stressful and difficult situations. The problem with that prayer is that God already answered it before the stressful situation ever confronted you. That is not uncommon, because most Christians pray for things most of the time that are already theirs in Christ. Ephesians 1:3 says that “We have already been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Certainly peace is considered a spiritual blessing, and if so, the Scripture says that peace is something we already have. As a matter, fact we were born with it in our new birth in Christ. I actually don’t like to use the word “it” referring to the peace of God, because peace is a person not an it.

No I’m not talking about peace with God, which is gloriously true about every person when they become a Christian, because they are now fully reconciled to him; but I am talking about the very peace of God, the kind of peace of mind and emotions that God experiences all the time. Look at these two verses from the Gospel of John in the upper room discourse; “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you might have peace.” John 16:33

Because you are in Christ you have his peace; not as something he gives to you apart from himself as some kind of gift, but as someone he is in you imparting to you in every situation with the peace that he experiences. Jesus is not fearful, or anxious, nor does he ever get nervous in or about any situation; and he’s that same Jesus in you as your peace. Being in Christ is the greatest location and situation that a person can live in on this earth.

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