Retro One Thing 11/16/2012

I’ve musing over Psalm 42 again for the past week, and am continually fascinated with the line “Deep calls to deep, at the sound of Thy waterfalls.” There is so much God is saying here that I’m sure I will spend all of eternity being gripped at the discovery of all it means. What The Holy Spirit is saying to me presently, from this verse, is a call away from shallow, or surface Christianity. The depths of Him, who gave His all to me, is calling for the depths of me, to give my all to Him. As Believers, we all give our lives to Him at some level, but He is looking for True Worshipers who give their all to Him from the depths. The God who freely Gave His only Son for me wants the deepest things in my heart. He wants the deepest level of sacrificial devotion, and affection; the deepest level of surrender and obedience. There is nothing surface or shallow about His love for us, and His endless pursuit and commitment to us, and He wants us to love Him back the same way; from the depths. How far will we go, what price are we willing to pay, how abandoned to love will we be. Abundant life isn’t found in the shallows, in surface level Christianity, but only in the depths. Deep calls to deep, at the sound of His waterfalls.

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