Retro One Thing 11/19/19 It’s The Lame That Take The Plunder

Genesis 4:26 NASB  [26] To Seth, to him also a son was born; and he called his name Enosh. Then, men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

The word Enosh in Hebrew means “frailty,” and it is interesting to me that when a man named Frailty is born, revival breaks out. I believe this verse is the first verse in the Bible that speaks of a revival of people seeking and identifying with God in a fresh way. The enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy, and in the fall, the enemy rendered man independent from God and, therefore, left to be governed by their frailty and brokenness. We were created to be hardwired to God at such a level that it is impossible for humans to function in wholeness without being utterly dependent on God continuously. Fallen Mankind is the most helpless of all creatures because without union with God, and being left in weakness to our own destruction, was his goal. In the brilliance of our omnipotent Lord, He takes the frailty that we carry to corral us back to Him and daily uses our fallen smallness to teach us to once again live by faith, continuously making demands on the Holy Spirit within. I’m convinced that individuals and congregations of people break through into revival when they are convinced of their frailty and need to live by His adequacy alone. If His power is perfected in weaknesses, then our frailty is the missing ingredient that allows His ability to be demonstrated in our lives. The very thing that satan accomplished became the very thing that draws us back to awareness of need and faith. The serpent swallows himself!!

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