Retro One Thing 11/12/2018 The “I Can’ts”

John 15:5 NASB  [5] I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.

Philippians 4:13 NASB  [13] I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Are you suffering from a case of the “I can’t”s? Do you find yourself thinking or saying things like, “I can’t handle this anymore,” or “I can’t take it anymore,” or “I just can’t deal with this,” or “I can’t do this”? These feelings could be referencing a difficult relationship, difficult job situation, or any other circumstance that has become “too hard.” As you know, every born-again believer is in Christ and, therefore, in union with His very life, but every born-again believer doesn’t abide in Christ. It is one thing to possess all that He is and all that He has, but it is another thing altogether to partake experientially of His “all-ness.” That verse in Philippians 4 says that we can do all things through (literally – “in”) Christ, who is continually strengthening me. John 15 says that apart from Him, we can do nothing, but in Him, we can do all things by His very life. If you have the “I can’ts,” it is because you are trying to deal with your situation apart from Him and His adequacy.

Is there anything, or any relationship, that Jesus isn’t big enough for? You’re in union with Him, and His all-sufficient grace is available to you all of the time. It is important to understand that getting free from the I can’’s doesn’t look like just “hanging in there.” Real victory is manifesting His adequacy in real fruitfulness as we rest in His ability.

A classic example would be in a marriage where I have heard one partner say about the other that they just CAN’T love them anymore. Unless there are biblical reasons for that marriage to be dissolved, then God wants the partner who has the “I can’ts” to understand. Of course, they can’t, for apart from abiding in Christ, they can do nothing, but in resting in His ability, they can know the fruitful love of Jesus being manifested through them towards their mate. God doesn’t want them just to hang in there while staying miserable; instead, God wants them to know and manifest the very love of Jesus so that their marriage bears great fruitfulness. This is victory, and this example could be carried over into a difficult workplace or any other situation. Jesus did not go to the Cross, taking your old man with him and raising you from the dead in union with His resurrection life, just so that you can survive. He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly, and therefore, normal Christianity isn’t surviving a situation, but it is thriving in it, bearing much fruit that will remain.

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