Retro One Thing 10/25/12

There are so many scriptures where God encourages us to not be afraid, or to be courageous, because He will be with us. His presence is the difference maker in the the way we face life, and the quality of life we live. We are told that in Hs presence is fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore. In His presence we drink from the river of His delights, and are exposed to, and adorned with His beauty. We are also able to face life, with all of its uncertainty, without fear because His presence is with us. The reality is, we deal with many things that are overwhelming and simply bigger than we are, but a greater reality is that even though our smallness is often exposed, He is bigger than anything we will ever face. That is the bottom line question everyday as you wake up to face the battle; is He Big Enough? Whether or not you can handle it is irrelevant; the only issue is, can He.

As a Christian you are In Christ, and Christ is In you, therefore, you are surrounded and invaded by His presence. It’s like a fish In The Sea; because the fish is in the sea, the sea is in the fish. Again, you are In Christ, therefore you carry His presence with you at all times. Fear is all about feeling threatened in some way, and nothing, not even death, intimidates Him. In light of the fact that His presence is always with you, don’t be intimidated by anything life throws at you. Jesus said that He has already overcome the world, so let the presence of the already Proven Winner, cheer your heart. You’ve got nothing to fear as long as He who is Big Enough is with you.

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