Retro One Thing 10/29/2015

2Cor. 9:14 while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you.
We’ve been looking at the all sufficiency of grace in Christ, that is always present and available to us. “always having all sufficiency in everything…” I love the way 9:14 puts it when it’s says that grace is “surpassing.” What a wonderful word! Just think of the possibilities the word “surpassing” brings to us.
No matter what temptation or test you are facing, grace SURPASSES it. Col. 3:11 says, “Christ is ALL and in all.” You may be dealing with something, and it may be big, but it can’t be all, because Christ is “ALL.” If Christ is “ALL,” then He and His grace is BIGGER, and thus SURPASSES whatever the “thing” you are struggling with. Again, you may have a “thing” going on, but it’s not everything because Jesus is “ALL.”
While in Brazil our team was traveling to our place of ministry and I was entertaining intimidating thoughts because someone told me we would be ministering to some blind people. We had already seen many, many hundreds of people healed, but the idea of several blind people looking for healing caused me to fall under attack and intimidation. As I was quietly struggling, The Lord spoke clearly to me and said “Chuck blindness isn’t all; I am all, and I am in you.” That set me free, because I knew that blindness is a thing, but it isn’t all. Only Jesus is all, and His all sufficient grace was alive in me, and available to me all of the time. Because of those words to me, I fell back into a RESTING place of faith, instead of the begging place of faith that I had fallen into.
By the way, I prayed for a man with AIDS who was blind, and he left seeing, as a testimony of the Grace of Christ. It (HE) is truly SURPASSING.

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