Retro One Thing 10/2/19 He died as us that we might live as Him

Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Jesus carried our name to the cross so we might carry His name here on earth. We are more than His representatives; we are His body. Jesus died as us on the cross so that we might live as Him on the earth. This is the simplicity and the wonder of being a new creation in Christ. As his body on the earth, we should expect him to live the same life through us now that he lived then, as revealed in the pages of Scripture. The Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth and who makes the risen life of Christ manifestly real in us, is always calling us not to settle for a dummied-down version of the life of Christ in and through us. Jesus promised that we who are in union with him, carrying his name on the earth, would do even greater works than were done through the borrowed body that he lived in and through 2000 years ago. I learned something a long time ago in relation to prayer: “Only the expectant give birth to anything.” This truth doesn’t just apply to our prayer life but applies to every aspect of our life of faith. So many of us experience a very measured expression of his life because we have lowered our expectations to fit our limited human resources and capabilities. The Holy Spirit said through the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12, “in our weakness, His strength is made perfect.” We may be limited by our weaknesses and inadequacies, but Jesus is not, and it is Jesus who is our life. Our life is hidden with Christ in God, and because of that, just as the crippled feet of Mephibosheth were hidden under the table, as he restfully and confidently feasted on David’s presence and provision, we too, as we expectantly and restfully look to Him to manifest his adequacy in and through us, have our weaknesses (our crippled feet) hidden, and overshadowed by His presence, and always abundant resources. Because in union with him, we carry His name, we also carry His life, that we might be the borrowed body on earth, at this time, through which He might once again live His life, demonstrating the miraculous nature of His kingdom.

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